
Tuesday, February 2, 2010


"How was your trip? Was it as bad as it looks? Was it dangerous? Were you scared?" I have been asked so many questions since my return from Haiti. On any ordinary trip these questions are easy, but this trip was far from ordinary. I struggle to put this experience into words. Dr. Elie Schochet, one of the physicians I worked with while there sums it up...

"You typically hear things like, "this will be a life changing experience", or ,"You'll never be the same again". I can't speak to any of that while it is so fresh, but I can come up with a few conclusions. The first is that going to do 3rd world medicine is definitely addicting. Taking a few days off from Co-pays, Insurances, and hospital politics to step back and remember exactly why I trained to do what I do, and be able to just give of yourself and help people is intoxicating."

People have asked me multiple times since my return if I would do it again. Without hesitation I answer "yes" as there is no doubt in my mind that I will do something like this again. Although scary and stressful at times, I will never forget the true bliss that came from giving all that I had to help others in need.

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