"Live in the present moment." You've probably heard this phrase before...seems like a pretty basic concept right?!?! But how often do we truly find ourselves there? More often than not we are caught up in the day to day experiences we call life. We are influenced by others, whether it be positively or negatively and our interactions and experiences with them create "moments." Life is a series of moments so it is important to make each one count....you with me so far??
I find my happiest moments when I am helping others, when I am surrounded by positive energy (i.e. positive people), when I am traveling, when I am surfing, ultimately when I am doing things I enjoy....
I was recently told that I should feel blessed for the experiences that I have had. I am blessed, without a doubt. Traveling has brought me perspective and experience. It has afforded me the opportunity to meet new people, experience new culture and provide nursing care to those less fortunate. It has allowed me to step back from the "day to day" and truly enjoy being present. It has allowed me to create these "moments" that are my life.
This last trip to Nicaragua was amazing. The purpose of this trip was to surf and for me there is no better way to feel present. When I am in the water I am happy, content. I am creating moments that I will remember for years to come. As I reflect upon this year I feel fulfilled. I feel fortunate. I feel blessed.... I can only hope that next year is just as amazing.
Here are a few photos from our trip...enjoy!
View from the top of Christ on the hill
San Juan del Sur
Quality time with the locals
Rad sunsets in San Juan del Sur
The beaches!!!!!!!!!
"The road is long and in the end the journey is the destination."